Policy Making and Education Reform in the Development of Latin American Social Democracy
My first book was my PhD thesis and published by Edwin Mellen Press in 2011.
The book studied the origins and impact of three left-wing governments - the Concertaction in Chile and the governments of Fernando Henrique Cardoso and Lula da Silva in Brazil - on the education sector and their policies.
The book involved 40 interviews with key informants, including with trade union leaders, education ministers and a former president.
“Burton’s book is not only timely but much needed as a tool to deepen our understanding of ongoing developments in education policy in Latin America. … Burton works brilliantly around these limitations by focusing on education as a process, with specific attention to the ways education policy was affected by broader economic and social patterns in both countries throughout their recent history.”
“. . . an impressive piece of research . . . based upon extensive research including numerous interviews with key participants in the making of education policy in Chile and Brazil...”