What legacy does Sultan Qaboos leave for Oman?


Oman is mourning the death of a man who transformed the nation. Sultan Qaboos bin Said was 79 and had been ill for some time. Over the course of 50 years, he turned a poor country on the Arabian Peninsula into a modern state, which stayed diplomatically neutral in a region divided by conflict. Sultan Qaboos' successor was sworn in just a few hours after the death was announced. How will Haitham bin Tariq build on his cousin's legacy?

Presenter: Martine Dennis

Guests: Houchang Hassan-Yari - Professor of international relations and security issues at Sultan Qaboos University in Oman

Luciano Zaccara - Assistant professor of Gulf politics at Qatar University's Gulf Studies Center

Guy Burton - Adjunct professor of international affairs at Vesalius College



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