Towards Technocracy? Current education policy in Brazil


Is Brazil moving towards a more technocratic form of public administration?  This article considers the question, first by examining the main features and course of education policy during the first year of Dilma Rousseff’s government and second, by studying the main features of technocracy.  It finds that the issue of education by both government and stakeholders is primarily focused on issues of quantity over quality (i.e. through the establishment of a new national education plan which emphasises increased access to formal schooling, more public resources and use of targeted funds).  In terms of technocracy (‘rule by experts’), the article notes an ongoing depoliticisation in the education sector since 1995, diminishing its capacity as a vehicle for radical social and economic transformation.  The article concludes that despite this, the process remains incomplete and that there is still scope for greater political engagement, especially from outside government.



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