What comes after the JCPOA


On September 19, the U.S. demanded the reimposition of UN sanctions against Iran for failing to comply with the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). The JCPOA had been agreed between Iran and the five permanent members of the UN Security Council and Germany whereby Iran would freeze its nuclear program in exchange for having sanctions lifted so that it could trade and receive investment more freely.

However, a day after the U.S. made its demand the three European signatories – Britain, France and Germany – responded by saying they did not recognize the American request. They pointed out that the U.S. had withdrawn from the JCPOA in 2018 and so was not in a position to make such a demand.

Along with the other signatories – Russia and China – also stating their commitment to the JCPOA as well, does that mean that the American challenge can be completely disregarded? Is the crowing by Iranian leaders justified?



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