Post-Soleimani fallout


What are likely to be the consequences following the U.S. airstrike which killed Iran's top military strategist, Major General Qasem Soleimani, at Baghdad airport on January 3? Already some observers are talking about it being a major escalation of the U.S. confrontation against Iran while Iranian commentators have called it a declaration of war.

If it is a war, what kind will it be? It's unlikely to be a conventional one. Although such a war would be to the Americans' advantage, it's not clear it they want one or would be able to launch and successfully execute it.

President Donald Trump has claimed that he wants to bring U.S. troops home. But starting a new war, which could be long and open-ended, would not play well with his base at home, especially in an election year.

In addition, what would the war's objectives be?



Consider This: Soleimani Assassination