Conflict, COVID-19 in Mid East’s conflict-affected states


As the midpoint of the year approaches, what is the current situation regarding the main conflicts taking place in the Arab world? How close or far are they from resolution and what has been the impact of the unexpected impact of the COVID-19 pandemic been on them?

The short answer is that the likelihood of conflict ending in any of the three major hotspots of Libya, Syria and Yemen is remote. But beyond that there is considerable variation. In Libya there have been substantial changes between the principal belligerents, while in Yemen the main division has occurred among key allies, while in Syria tensions have emerged within the ruling elite.

At the same time, these developments have occurred separately from the global COVID-19 pandemic. Compared to elsewhere, the virus and its transmission took place later, giving governments time to watch and learn how to respond. Practically though, that advantage may be scrubbed out during the second half of the year as these states lack sufficient infrastructure and resources to curb its spread.



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